I want to begin a new conversation with skin and give women back a boost in breast confidence. I am working on a new collection called The Bare Muse, which I hope to be finished by October 2014 for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You could call it .... A reframe. So often we hear, see and are reminded about the dangers of breast cancer, and in that message, we lose connection somehow with these beauties. Do you know what I mean? I'm not saying that we should shy away from 'dangers' and dismiss it. Heck no! Of course, we need monthly awareness and to be mindful of changes and differences. Yet I have been inspired over the last year by the women around me, those gorgeous tribe of women who constantly push my boundaries and edges. {yes, you know who you are} It's time for me to celebrate and get back to basics. I want to DARE, DELIGHT and REVEAL. I want you to feel INNER PEACE within your body. I want you to have a new perspective and discover your BARE MUSE I want you to experience a DEEPER KIND OF FABULOUS I want you feel a NEW LEVEL OF RADIANCE. Wouldn't that be absolutely Glorious :) ARE YOU IN? Life flows when we love the skin we're in. In creating this for you, I can show you your Bare Muse Mantra, the one that you will feel connected to and excited by. This will be an original drawing like I have shown below, which will be created with markers, pens and pencils, scanned in, adding digital filters where you will see your Bare Muse appear before you. Any word, affirmation, or phrase that you would like to accompany will be added, but it's totally fine if you'd prefer the image on her own. I will need 3-4 upper naked selfies. I feel so excited to be doing this work - it's time. To launch this project, I am looking for 75 women who wish to discover their BARE MUSE. 75. Why 75 ..... It's a number that keeps appearing for me. So I'm going with this message. As with all my Soul Portraits, your Bare Muse will contain Reiki Symbols: symbols for emotional and mental well being, healing any past hurts or traumas along any timeline and balancing present issues that you may be dealing with. Your Bare Muse will be a Healing-By-Proxy. She will be a healing piece for you to develop this new breast confidence and have a new conversation with your skin. Your Bare Muse will be sent as a digital file and is £45.00 but for my 75 women, I'm offering 40% off that, £27.00 and I will also be donating 10% to charity. Are you in? Is this you? Are you one of my BARE MUSE'S? FAQ's 1. Will you be drawing my face? No, this will be an upper body illustration from neck to navel. Malas, necklaces, charms, jewellery, piercings, will be adorned and added. We're boosting our breast confidence here. 2. Will my breast photographs be made public? No. For me, I want the finished Bare Muse Mantra so your original breast images will not be shown with this. 3. Will you be sharing my name? This is up to you. I won't reveal your name if you don't want me to. However.... read next question. 4. Can I share my breast story? I would love for you to tell me the story about you and your relationship to your breasts, honestly, I would. You probably have a really important story to tell about them. This makes this so real and helps so many younger women to develop confident, positive, glorious relations with their bodies. 5. If I have had breast cancer and had reconstruction, will I be able to do this too? Yes of course. Let's celebrate you. I invite you to share you story and allow me to draw you. This is about all breasts and whatever their story. Please know this will be very sensitively managed and you will be supported by me throughout. 6. Can I suggest someone? This has to come from the woman herself. Please don't purchase this for someone unless you know for definite this is what she wants to do. This is a very authentic magical image and will be genuinely and tastefully managed and orchestrated by me. 7. What will you do with all the 75 when you have finished? Along the way, I will be sharing what I'm doing, and having completed 75, I will exhibit them - either online, a physical exhibition, a book and also a video. The authentic aim here is to boost women's breast confidence and provide a new conversation. Do you feel you'd like to be part of this conversation? Please email or comment below to add your name to my 75, ask me any questions and if you're ready to go for it email me. You can read more here in my Shop. Much love Jules xx ![]() A lovely group is forming for Re:balance Me which has started today. For 30 days I will be emailing you with a rebalancing story, a muse mantra and a prompt for your own rebalancing. At the same time I am going to be writing some real good foundations for my 3rd book. 'Back to Health. If you'd like support and guidance in rebalancing, then take a further look here to fill in some more details and to find out why I'm taking you on this journey. Fancy joining The Muse Circle? Below you can subscribe to my Museletter, sent out every New and Full Moon, you'll receive a new Muse Mantra every month for you to use in your life {it's free and I take your privacy very seriously}.
Back in February I joined the big national store Hobbycraft - there were opening a new concept store in Aintree Liverpool {long overdue!!}. I was soooo happy to get these extra hours to add to my blend of working. As an artist and healer, being surrounded by this amazing store of arts, crafts, making and baking, just made my heart go pitter patter. The place where you get to be inspired. The new team all in place, we started our training in a different store, while the new one was being created and fitted out. In these 8 weeks of interim training, we were all asked to contribute to making new items for the store - wonderful pieces that could be shown throughout to highlight the products we sell. I offered to do Soul Portraits of all the new staff members, 22 plus the Manager, Ben Assistant Manager, Scott and the North West Area Manager, David. I started asking all the new team to send me selfies, and give me an idea of the colours they liked. One by one I drew them, one by one, they began to see reflections of themselves in the illustrations. It was a tight turnaround but finally they were all completed. It was decided to also try to find badges that all colleagues could wear on their aprons. I was so lucky to find a great company in North Wales called Badge Planet {who I can't recommend highly enough for their speedy and specialist service}. After I scanned in all the images, we ordered 75 mm badges. {Really big ones!}. The frames we found from a fabulous supplier and I couldn't have wished for a better display up the stairs to the mezzanine level, leading up to Haberdashery and the Art section {my kinda haven}. I have never seen my work exhibited in this way, as usually, they're sold and sent to people's houses and I never really get to see them again. This way, I say hello to all my art work every time I'm working in the store - how fab is that! Not only that, as every piece has Reiki symbols weaved within each illustration, they will be creating healing for the recipient and subsequently within the store. Pretty cool heh. Bring on the Feng Shui! The response has been magical, you get a really happy welcome when you approach the sliding doors to enter and as you take each step up the stairs, you feel quite colourful by the time you reach the top. Here's to many more Soul Portraits and creating healing pieces of art. Much Love Jules xxx Watch the New Video ![]() A lovely group is forming for Re:balance Me which starts next Sunday 27th April. For 30 days I will be emailing you with a rebalancing story, a muse mantra and a prompt for your own rebalancing. At the same time I am going to be writing some real good foundations for my 3rd book. 'Back to Health. If you'd like support and guidance in rebalancing, then take a further look here to fill in some more details and to find out why I'm taking you on this journey. I'd love for you to join The Muse Circle, below you can subscribe to my Museletter, sent out every New and Full Moon, you'll receive a new Muse Mantra every month for you to use in your life {it's free and I take your privacy very seriously}. This Muse Mantra was inspired by a friend across the pond who had created a vision page that I just loved. The page featured a woman with her hands reaching up to the sky and more so, the sun and giving it some sun dance. Join me for Muse Healing Re:Balance Me![]() A lovely group is forming for Re:balance Me which starts on Sunday 27th April. For 30 days I will be emailing you with a rebalancing story, a muse mantra and a prompt for your own rebalancing. At the same time I am going to be writing some real good foundations for my 3rd book. 'Back to Health. If you'd like support and guidance in rebalancing, then take a further look here to fill in some more details and to find out why I'm taking you on this journey. I'd love for you to join The Muse Circle, below you can subscribe to my Museletter, sent out every New and Full Moon, you'll receive a new Muse Mantra every month for you to use in your life {it's free and I take your privacy very seriously}.
You may remember reading about my Unravelling, a workbook which I did at the beginning of the year; a chance to reflect on 2013 and write my dreams and goals for 2014. It was during this time that I found my word for 2014 - 'Release' - and there has been quite a lot of release happening! Well this week's Muse Mantra Mentor is the lovely Susannah Conway. I have been reading her book again "this I know", notes on unraveling the heart and as I turn every page, my heart becomes even more in tune with her words the second time around. It's an intimate exploration of loss and discovery. She takes you on a journey through her healing process after the loss of her beloved partner. Her story inspires me and continues to give me the kick up the jacksy to write my own healing book about my journey back to health from M.E {myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome} when I was in my 20s. This book is a birth waiting to happen. There are so many word gems in her writing to use for this Muse Mantra, but I decided to remember, 'there is a lifetime of wisdom within you'. Something we all need to remember heh? We do have all the wisdom within us, our time here is to figure that out. All Muse Mantras contain a hand drawn original Soul Portrait, created with pencils, markers and pens: Whilst I draw, I tune in to the individual and through the my art begin to create a reflection of your divine self whilst at the same time, giving a healing treatment. Each of my illustrations are extra special as they contain Reiki symbols within them; symbols for mental and emotional well being, healing past hurts and balancing issues in the present. This therefore 'charges' up the Muse so that when you look at it, you receive a healing-by-proxy. Muse Mantras can therefore be boosted in Full Moon Shine once a month to continue with this charge. Having a digital image is entirely the same as the original - it can be printed off to re-charge on a windowsill. Finally! I have opened my Society6 shop!![]() It has finally happened! I have begun to stock my Society 6 shop. I'm being asked to make my Muse Mantras available for purchase. Finding the right place has taken a while but here we are. I love this place. Using my original art, you can print cards, prints, canvases, wall clocks, rugs, shower curtains, mugs, t-shirts, and lots more, so watch this space. I'm just working things out over there, but in the meantime, I have two for sale. Join me for 30 days of Re:Balance Me![]() Have you been feeling out of balance, out of sync, out of wack? Do you feel constantly tired and exhausted? Are you wanting to review your total health and well being? Are there certain aspects of your life that needs healing? Would you like to receive inspirational healing muse mantras? Would you like support? I have written Re:Balance ME to help you look at various aspects of your health, exploring one small thing every day for 30 days. At the same time, I will be writing my third book, so your input will be invaluable. Why am I guiding this journey? Read more here Much Love Till next time Jules xxx I'd love for you to join The Muse Circle, below you can subscribe to my Museletter, sent out every New and Full Moon, you'll receive a new Muse Mantra every month for you to use in your life {it's free and I take your privacy very seriously}. |
June 2017