Today I was thinking about Spirit and Faith. The human spirit and the faith that keeps us going through all of life's twists and turns. We think our problems are the biggest of the big and as I sat and thought about this, I was brought back to the present day - this day, Holocaust Day. Every year, this day stops me in my tracks as I think of all those who perished. Everyone. All faiths and cultures, those who didn't fit in, babies, toddlers, young children, teenagers, women, men, elderly, families, travellers, homosexuals, able bodied, dis-able bodied. All those who were not required. Today I was yet again pulled to Anne Frank and I knew that she had to be my first Muse Mantra Monday. This avid Journaller who died when she was 15 years old. Born the same year as my dad. She would have been 85 this year. And I sat and turned to a new piece of my sketch book, my sharpened pencil and a photograph that I had found of her for my reference. I began to tap into her. I really looked at Anne Frank and focused on her: her face her eyes her hair her smile. For 90 minutes, it was me and Anne Frank. I felt like I got to know her a little bit more, in those 90 minutes. In my meditative state as I drew her, I realised just what thick hair she had, really unruly and disproportionate, quirky and lopsided. It was so thick, that it seemed to have it's own story to tell. As I filled in her hair, I knew that she must have had difficulty taming it. And I felt sad that she never had the opportunity to really play with her hair as a young woman, or style it as she grew older. Then I focused on her lips, it took me a while to feel that I had them right. From this time with Anne, I really sensed such a big grin, a wide smile, a grin that grinned from ear to ear, with dimples at each side of her mouth when she smiled and laughed. She reminds me of my own mum. And I felt sad that she never had the opportunity to really laugh, grin and giggle as a young woman, or smile at her husband as she grew older. I then started to draw her Journal, her diary, Kitty, whom she wrote to whilst she was in hiding and I could deeply relate to revealing her inner most thoughts, desires, hurts and angst to the page. I have been there. All my life, I have written in my journal, sometimes more than other times, but it has been a constant presence in my life. And I felt sad that she never have the opportunity to continue to write as a young women, to continue to share more of her stories as she grew older. And at that moment, I was grateful that she did write when she did and that her words were found and shared. There are so many of Anne Frank's words that stand out for me, it was difficult to choose but this quote really struck me. "I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." And that sums up what we all need to remember every single day. We are really good at heart. Happy Monday I will be featuring a new Muse Mantra Monday every week. Much Love xxx I want to let you know that digital prints of this image are now posted in my shop, so if you'd like to have them as a reminder on your computer, or print them as a card for a friend, or a physical print to pop in a frame, then pop over they're all £2.49. Get 7 Days of Muse Love in February? From 8th to 14th February I will be drawing a new Muse Love Dollystration and you can have them sent free, direct to your inbox. I started musing on Valentines day. It can be a bit of challenge can't it?
Ultimately we know don't we, that everything always starts with Loving Up ourselves. So my gift ...... 7 Days of Muse Love for you Click here to Sign Up Sign up for twice monthly Studio Updates: every new moon and full moon
In December I ran a whole series of The Daily Muse where I created a dollystration for 31 days - I truly loved it and it helped me immensely. How? 1) It gave me a daily meditative sketching practice. 2) I looked at life mindfully, noticing, listening, sensing. 3) I boosted my daily self reiki practice. 4) I napped! From this, I received messages, clarity, images. I was inspired by all around me, something someone said in a coffee shop, what I heard in the supermarket, a film on TV, a new song. Yep, I was mindful. I am clear about the direction I am moving. Having had a little rest in January [well not much, still drawing behind the scenes on some commissions and some for fun.] I started musing on Valentines day, upon us very soon. It can be a bit of challenge can't it? Whether we're in beautiful relationships already that our heart's will burst. Whether we're on our own and feeling absolutely OK with that. Whether we're developing a newish love in our lives, Whether we are seeking and inviting more love from another. Whether we are feeling like we need to move on from our love. Ultimately we know don't we, that everything always starts with Loving Up ourselves. So my gift ...... 7 Days of Muse Love for you Dollystrations (that's my made up term for a Jules Dolly Illustration) Feb 8th - 14th Sign up and you'll get a new dollystration in your inbox every morning with some Muse Loving Fancy? I'd love you to join me here It's free Or you can fill out your details below January is the month for gentle softness, of easing into the new year and feeling my way around it. What about you? I have plans and things to write and yet somehow January is cooing me into visioning and looking at what it is my heart really yearns for. I have been listening to Caroline Myss and her talk 'Defying Gravity', a book about healing: healing that is not only physical but it is also a mystical phenomenon that transcends reason. It's been on my computer for 5 years as it was given to me when I was living in France back in 09. I started to listen to it then but it just kinda never happened for more than about 10 mins. Maybe I just wasn't ready to hear. The other night I was. Caroline Myss talks of Saint Teresa of Avila and the disconnection between our spirit and our mind. I have found myself pondering on this one today as I walked around the park with the dog. Seeking outside is not what I want these days. I want inwards. I want to feel peace, calm and silence. It's the soul that needs my attention. It all seemed to reflect my 3 vision pages that I did the other day. I was asked to find 3 words that are whispering to me. Serenity Can Magic The images appeared first and then the words. And then the poem. Serenity Can Magic Step into serenity Faith in nature Sounds of sea Listening Embracing Sky Vistas Your Universe One voice Can Do this Strength stepping out Clothes reflect Powerfully strong CAN Able to, intrinsically there Gold core can-do thread Rooted booted Determined, warm Can Magic Ritual of one and two Laughing heart Laughing beau Adventure Beau comes too Champagne makes three Magic within Embracing bubbles and nude How is January speaking to you? Let me know in the comments below.... I'd love to know. Till next time, Love ![]() My Guiding Word for 2014 has changed! I know ... what am I like? Last week I mused upon my discovery of 'Illustrare' and 'Thrive' and yet something just didn't feel right about them. It's not that I don't want to thrive - I mean who doesn't?! I felt that something felt ... just not quite there. Then I realised in the mid morning of new years day when I sat and contemplated the after effects of all that reflection and I knew right there and then that my word for 2014 is..... R E L E A S E. And that felt SOOOOO much better. It had to be. When I talk of release I mean not only releasing my words and art tho' that is a large part of it. When I talk of RELEASE I knew that this year is the YEAR of THE BOOK, the book that has taken a long time for me to bring to light. The book about healing myself from M.E / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome when I was in my 20s. How many things and practises helped me, ART being one of them, plus shit loads of other complementary stuff. Release for me, is:- Releasing workshops and teaching 'creative blossoming' to others through face to face workshops in my studio and online workshops, videos and books. Releasing my fear about not being a mother in this earthly lifetime. Releasing the pain of not being a mother in this earthly life time. Release and letting go of all the products, books, guides, art, that I have tucked up my VERY big sleeves. Releasing debt, Releasing weight, Releasing Canvases that stay in my studio. Releasing worry anxiety over money. It really is about letting go and not holding back. It's time for Book number three !! My new vision book for January is called Blue Sky Thinking - in the name of the rose, e let there by inner light. Here is one of my pages, called 'I Am' I am - a Salty Old Sea Dog..... (that means - spend much more time by the sea) I am - picture this ... playing for my dreams They need to be brought to life and released. Do you see where I'm going here? I am, I am, I am, I am Displaying layers of meaning. And I am. ![]() As I doodled, I created my own symbol for me that I can be reminded of the important of JUST DOING it - taking one step at a time and putting my words and art out there. Starting today. I am having my first in person 'Creative Blossoming' Workshop at my studio in Liverpool on Sunday January 30th. 11am - 4pm This first one is called: "Meet your Muse: creating your own Muse Canvas." It is going to be such fun - limited to 6 people due to space, the price is £45 light snacks and art supplies included. (Lunch, we'll go out to my local cafe). I'll post more info in a couple of days. But FOR NOW, If you'd like to hang out for the day and meet your muse, with music, relaxation, movement and guidance, you will begin to blossom and create a canvas for you to take home that day, email me to reserve your space Here A Class for MEN and WOMEN :) :) Release Feels Good. Be back soon. Love The First of the First of Twenty Fourteen :) I so love even numbers. Last week I wrote about reflecting on my word of 2013, 'Alignment'. These past few days I have been working through Susannah Conway's Unravelling 2014 and through mucho writing and brain-blooming, I discovered my word was 'Illustrate'. When I looked up the original meaning of this word, I found that it came from the Latin word Illustrare: Now. This just got interesting! illustrate (ˈɪləˌstreɪt)vb 1. to clarify or explain by use of examples, analogy, etc 2. (tr) to be an example or demonstration of 3. (tr) to explain or decorate (a book, text, etc) with pictures 4. (tr) an archaic word for enlighten [C16: from Latin illustrāre to make light, explain, from lustrāre to purify, brighten; see lustrum] And then....... then...... while I was writing myself a cheerio pip pip letter to myself for 2013, (which I burnt), I suddenly found myself drawn to the word 'thrive', writing it quite a few times. Thrive verb prosper, do well, flourish, increase, grow, develop, advance, succeed, get on, boom, bloom, wax, burgeon. And now I am faced with a dilemma, do I have Two Words for 2014? Sitting here now, writing this, I love the concept of Illustrate and Thrive as my two words for 14. It's even numbers and it calls for even words. Don't ya think? So Why choose guiding words for the year? In the past, I would make New Years Resolutions; I would create a bullet list of things that I wanted to do and achieve in that year and alot of the time, this list will be something that just didn't get done!! Nothing really inspired me. With guiding words, things are very different. The words become a guiding light throughout the year, they underpin the direction and fuel for focus in all I do, feel and have. This year I am gifting my necklace that I had made last January, to a woman in one of the groups I'm in, who's word for 2014 is Alignment. I am so happy to be paying it forward and sending it to her. This necklace, I have worn pretty much every day and I am now really looking forward to getting my new necklace for 2014. I would love to know if you have chosen your Guiding Word and if it's ONE or TWO!!! Please do let me know in the comments below as I love Guiding WORDS. This coming year is going to be really full of exciting developments with Jules Dolly Art, with courses, illustrations, products and prints. I really am excited to share these new moves with me. I hope you'll stay tuned! Have a happy healthy beginning to 2014. Let's do this. Much Love Jules xxx |
June 2017