Jodee from Online and Totally Fabulous approached me to work with her to create a new educational arm to her business of 10 years, 'Complete The Jigsaw'. She wanted her own Muse Portrait drawn and for this to feature on a brand new website she was launching.
Her enthusiasm was contagious and I knew that I wanted to work with her and her new business immediately. Jodee saw my illustration style within her website, it TOTALLY made me tingle to do this and what began as one image, turned into a plethora of graphics, illustrations, headers, logos and numerous poppy jigsaws! We chose to focus on certain elements for her brand new website and business Online and Totally Fabulous: Facebook Headers, Website Graphics, Poppy Jigsaws, Avatars, Logo, E-course Headers and Certificates. I began by creating her own Muse Portrait
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June 2017