Day 8 of September Muse and this is Muse Vanessa - when she sent me her photos and her answers, I knew that her Muse Mantra was going to be in Glastonbury - it is a place she has visited time and again from USA and one that I too have visited every year for the last 12 years. Her mantra "you are a deep well" so connects me deeply and one that I need to remind myself of daily. I hope you enjoy looking at her today. Love Jules x Stay in touch with Muse Mantras (and get a free one for your desktop every month).
Day 7 I feel blessed drawing these beautiful women who have stepped forward to share their photographs with me plus answering my questions. Today we are blessed to have Muse Luna, who's muse is strong and powerful "Be fierce in your love of yourself." What a great way to start our week. Jules xx Join the Musees Below and get a free Muse Mantra every month for your desktop, pad, cell phone. Here we are at Day 6 of September Muse. Creating these every day has been very focusing for me and I just love spending this time with each Muse, sketching, while weaving in Reiki symbols. Today it's the lovely Muse, Kate, and I adore her mantra for us all "I can do anything I set my mind to." Want to be kept updated of the Healing Muse Mantra art I'm doing, join the Museletter below. Eat the fruit, I hear you say? Well Muse Michelle explains her mantra. "It means, take advantage of your beautiful opportunities that have come as a direct result of all the diligent work, effort and passion you've put into your life over the years. Now's YOUR time - claim it and embrace it!" Don't you just love it. Now you know heh?! PS Why not hop on over to sign up to get a free Muse Mantra every month. I never share your email address. Day 4 of September Muse - I love this mantra by Muse Sarah - "Let your Soul Shine". Today I have had a tidy of my work and organised my space - there's nothing quite like it. How are you letting your soul shine today? Love Jules x Day 3 of September Muse is Sharon and she gave me a choice of mantras, this one is something her yoga teacher says all the time and I loved it when I read it ... "Smooth, Even, Deep Flow of Breath" and then I breathed in slowly, whilst saying it. Try it. Breathe in and say 'Smooth, Even', Breathe out 'Deep Flow of Breath' SLOWLY Love Jules x Fancy a Muse Mantra for your desktop every month? Every single one of these are Real Women from all over the world, who stepped forward not only to be seen by you and me but also to see their reflection. Their Divine Self. Their Light. Their Muse Portrait. Close your eyes and say to yourself the Mantra Feel Calm, Feel the Spirit Lift, Soothe Your Soul Heal the way you see yourself Be Love and Feel Yourself Beloved Thank you Muse Lori-Lyn It's time to reveal September Muse - Yay!! Every day, I'll reveal the Muse Mantra I have created. Remember every single one of these are Real Women from all over the world, who stepped forward not only to be seen by you and me but also to see their reflection. Their Divine Delf. Their Light. Their Muse Portrait. Their Jules Dolly Musestration. (I could go on morphing and creating words!) It's quite a project coordinating all the emails, the photos received, the answers to my 7 questions, so I have to be uber organised!!! The month of September is about the Muse Mantra. I'll save the words for other posts Just enjoy them, sit back, look at the image, close your eyes and say to yourself the Mantra BE Your Own MAGIC Thank you Sweet Sheila. Would you like to receive my Museletter twice a month? (and receive a free one for your desktop, pad, phone every month?) they're nearly here - order the muse mantra deck by jules dolly 60 spirit-lifting healing mantra cards to calm your mind and soothe your soul
£14.50 plus p+p |
June 2017