This time last year I was about to begin the Holiday Joy Up, a 10 day journey with Hannah Marcotti. [There's till time to join for 1st December if you want to welcome in December with a difference.] Most of you may have read on my blog about my time visioning in Hannah's groups. Little did I know that the Holiday Joy Up last year was going to be something extra special. Within the group I got to know the most wonderful group of women, online, who are wholeheartedly becoming friends; women from all over the world too! As I was in the midst of drawing the guests for Sarah and Matt's Wedding Favours Project, which you can see here and here. I offered up to the group the possibility of me drawing a few of them too. I thought maybe 10 may step forward, I was loving drawing these upper body illustrations and finding that I went into another space, in my head, when I connected with their photographs. So I posted this wedding favours image in the group and asked if anyone would be interested. I was so taken aback by those who stepped forward for me to illustrate them in my Dollystration kinda style. What started as 10, soon became 15, 20, 25, 40, 50, 60 and finally 75. I had not known what I was letting myself in for, but when I offered this up, I knew I had to honour it. Hell, I wanted to honour it. This was huge for me. These women then gradually started posting their photographs, in particular, their selfies, that they had taken that morning, with accompanying descriptions of how it felt to be posting these in a group where we were still all really getting to know each other. This was BRAVE STUFF. This is the very first Joy Sister I did: The Lovely Sheila. I have been honoured now to know Sheila this past year. As I began to draw Sheila, I soon realised that I was channelling Reiki as I was sketching and then completing the colour. I was gently caressing her and sending her a distant healing treatment. I was boosting her image with symbols that helped with mental and emotional wellbeing, soothing past hurts and balancing any uneasiness in the present moment. It all seemed to evolve and I soon began to post them in the group. The comments that flowed really made my heart sing, and it just made me want to continue to do more. The second being the Lovely Angie, someone who I have got to know more as my pen pal and gratitude buddy.These were the first 10 I did. As more and more Joy Sisters stepped forward, posting their photographs bravely, I found myself wrapped up in the process, fine tuning how I did it, stepping into the artist zone and creating a healing environment as I brought these illustrations to life. I realised that actually that shape, form and boobies were missing so I soon started to integrate the real shape of a woman. I felt such Joy creating these wonderful images and what they actually represented for everyone. They were an illustration, oh yes, not a caricature, but an illustration in my style; they were also a 'healing, by proxy'. Each and every woman received a distant Reiki healing, all the symbols contained in the image really do work their magic even when they're not being looked at. Fast forward to the end of the project a few months later By early Spring I had completed 75. 75 is quite an amount isn't it? I found my style develop every time pencil touched paper. It made me truly realise that when we practice at something every day, we most certainly will always get more proficient and skilful in that activity. At the very end I had a wonderful selection of Soul Portraits that made my heart sing and some of them were buying them off me and I was packaging them up and sending them all across the world, to USA, Canada and as far as Australia. When I look back, nearly a year later, I give thanks to how my style has developed and how my weaved-in reiki healing has evolved too, within the image. I give thanks to all the new women who have stepped forward for me to draw them. I give thanks to the continued support from this group of women I give thanks to the new women joining this group all the time. I give thanks to the further development and appreciation of my art practice I give thanks to my Muse Within, who helps and guides me through this process. I now have many more tools to this healing journey including the the Digital Muse Mantra, Audio Meditations, Colourful Guidebook, plus the mini videos I have created over the last year. You can catch them on Jules Dolly Tube here. Tomorrow will be the last day of a four week Soul Portrait Muse Journey that I have guided 10 women through this past month; this journey is an audio visual healing journey and the group that has circled has been fabulous. I am so excited to be offering this again in January. More details about that very soon. For now, sit back and watch the Soul Portrait Healing Story of this project that lit up my creative heart. I know my style has changed and become more refined. I have such fond connections to each and every one of these Soul Portraits that began this time last year. I intend to frame all the remainder I have, in my studio. They are testament to setting a goal and achieving it. Now to move into 2014 with exciting new plans and stepping more and more into the Healing Artist Within. I hope you'll hang around to be part of it and watch what happens. Till next time. Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Chanukah, and soon to be Happy Holidays. Jules xxx ![]() Hi, I'm Jules Dolly I'm a healing artist and guide, inspiring women to heal the way they see themselves with Soul Portrait Medicine. I want women to look their Divine Muse in the Eyes, recognising their beautiful self, right there and then. By creating original, hand drawn Soul Portrait illustrations, I lead women on a deeply profound online healing journey. Weaving Reiki healing and symbols into each image, powerful magical totems are produced, these can then be used in healing spaces, altars, meditations and visual journals. "She has many things to tell you, listen and you'll hear her whispers. This, is, Soul Portrait Medicine". @julesdolly (twitter/instagram/pinterest)
A few weeks ago I wrote about a 'Date with more Art' to my lovely readers of Soul Portrait Healing News and I found myself this weekend with about 3 hours on my own in the City of Manchester. I lived there for 2 years when I was 18-20 and wow, has it changed! Let me tell you, it was truly packed, the Christmas Markets had opened, over 200 log cabins weaving their way throughout the city, filled with delicious delights from around Europe and the World, artefacts and artisans. I'm not a great shopper, I can do only so much and then I just need to be quiet. Wandering down Deansgate, i stumble across a Juice Bar, which I totally knew would give me energy: yum! watermelon and pineapple freshly squeezed juice, it was just delish. I then discovered, tucked away amongst the bustling street The John Rylands Library, owned and run by the University of Manchester, it is a working academic library that had such a wonderful feel about it. I spent at least 90 minutes musing my way around, sitting in the lovely library chairs, admiring the ancient books and text, carvings and spending time educating myself about Polari. After a couple of hours in here, I then rediscovered Paperchase, a huge store here in the UK and I hadn't seen such an array of pens, pads, paper for a long time. I was in paper heaven. Two Floors! I finished off my few hours at The Castle Galleries, another place where I spent about an hour. This art gallery has sites over the UK and they had some wonderful pieces of modern art on the wall. I was mesmerised. I spent time reading all the artist's biographies and what I discovered was 7/10 of them were all self taught. They had perhaps studied art at school, leaving with an O Level but hadn't gone to Art School. This truly inspired me. I have often not declared I'm an Artist because I didn't go to art school, when in fact, the creative muse wants to now shout it from the rooftops. I may not have learnt art school style, but I have developed my own style. On paper, canvas and digitally. We often just need to get on and do whatever we need to do. Don't we? Let's stop hiding behind ourselves! Whether this be create canvases, write books, create fabulous cakes, or design healing gardens [*insert your own here] I was taken in by Alex Echo's high glossed canvases. He's an American painter and in chatting to the gallery manager, it appears he uses over 200 cocktail sticks to create the style of fused colours. He also finishes his pieces with an extremely high gloss lacquer, and even a small fly, or piece of hair landing on the painting can ruin the entire effect. (Thank goodness I don't do this with the Cat and Jack Russell hair we have in abundance!) I particularly loved Paul Kenton's cityscape style of paintings I also adored Keith Proctor's work: "When we are children, the future is today, we are innocent and free to enjoy. The day we start to think about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind." Keith Proctor. And one that surprised me was Bob Dylan. I never knew he painted and his style is something I just could really relate to. This forms his exhibition called 'The Drawn Blank Series'. Whilst travelling on tour between 1989 and 1992, Bob Dylan created a collection of drawings that were published in a book entitled 'Drawn Blank' in 1994. Dylan transformed these pieces using watercolour and gouache ahead of an exhibition in 2006. These paintings formed a collection entitled 'The Drawn Blank Series'. Ronnie Wood, of The Rolling Stones is also exhibiting around the UK and there was a selection of his canvases. Totally fabulous. I learnt alot in those 3 hours. I learnt that I need to take Artist's Dates regularly, so that I can connect with my Inner Artist. I learnt that I have the potential to exhibit and to show my work. [Did I just write that?] I learnt that just because I never went to art college, I can still call myself an Artist! All that in just 3 hours. I have so enjoyed taking you with me on A Date with More Art, I hope you enjoyed it too. I'll do it again next time I go. Why not tell me if you have A Date with More .... what is the More? Won't you let me know what you learnt wherever you went, in the comments below? Till next time. Love Jules xxx ![]() Hi, I'm Jules Dolly I'm a healing artist and guide, inspiring women to heal the way they see themselves with Soul Portrait Medicine. I want women to look their Divine Muse in the Eyes and recognise her own beauty, right now, no change needed. By creating original, hand drawn Soul Portrait illustrations, I lead them on a deeply profound online healing journey. Weaving Reiki healing and symbols into each image, what's produced are powerful magical totems that can be used in healing spaces, altars, meditations and visual journals. "She has many things to tell you, listen and you'll hear her whispers. This, is, Soul Portrait Medicine". @julesdolly (twitter/instagram/pinterest) Click to set custom HTML I'm one that has creative projects in abundance. You know that right?! One such project is MY WISDOM ORACLE CARD PROJECT. For the last 10 years, I have been an avid card reader, seeking inspiration from tarot and oracle. For me, they are energy messengers – messengers to my soul, helping me to gain insight about life, situations and also helping me to gain clarity and depth. I have sat with many clients, friends and family doing readings. They never cease to amaze me. They are a portal to inner reflection. They don’t ‘tell’ me what to do and they certainly don’t ‘scare me’ - energy cards and tarot for that matter, are not here to do so. They're a tool for deeper conversations. I am guided by my spiritual guides, human and animal. They are always beside me. It’s not magic – it is energy. When we spend time with our cards, we imbue and transfer our energetic message and we become akin to the cards and to the stories they hold. For the past 2 years, I have been creating 45 Wisdom Oracle Cards and guess what, I have done 8! 8 Eight Not the greatest of numbers, but I am going to carry on with them.
The Inspiration for each Card will come from someone who has meant something to me, someone who has inspired me or taught me something. They could be people I know, or people I don't know, living or passed over. They may be people I have seen from afar. They may also be from dreamtime and with symbolism that I can’t recognise. It will all unfold. So here is my card for this week. Introducing: This Too Shall Pass Card Message: Release the Negativity. Explore any resistance and relax in the knowledge that you are able to heal. You have the power. You can change the way you approach the situation you face. Background to the card: This card is inspired by Louise Hay, Author, Metaphysical Teacher and founder of Hay House publishing. I was first introduced to her book You Can Heal Your Life almost 25 years ago when I was ill with M.E/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome). It was passed to me when I was in the depths of ill health. I was just embarking on my ‘back to health plan’, using a variety of complementary approaches and healing methods and when I read this book I realised immediately that it was going to accompany me to find my own way back. I was transported into a metaphysical world that showed me I was responsible. I wasn’t waiting for one solution. I was going to find many and use them all. I devoured the book and used Louise’s morning and evening meditations – they helped me to learn to meditate and create a practice, it gave me extra courage to heal myself. The meaning behind the card: This wisdom card is a reminder for you that you can heal your self. Whatever is going on, perhaps a persistent long-term health problem, you can become your own investigator and learn some simple healing ways. One of the lessons I learnt all those years ago was to tune out from negativity that is streamed from television, radio and even people in our lives. The first to go was late night news and radio. I realised I didn’t want to tap into this negative drip-feed. The world is not defined by bad news. My world had to be optimistic and encouraging. I had to see a way through this ill-health. I wasn’t opting out, I was becoming more focused and directed about healing myself. I tried everything you can name and settled on the therapies and practices that complemented my healing programme. This card asks you to switch off from the negativity of your life. Let it go. Don’t tap into the drip feed of negativity. The symbolism and colour of this card is very important. The colour that this beautiful woman is wearing is a shade of turquoise, once again representing the throat chakra and our communication centre; She is nudging you to speak or write out whatever is feeling negative within you. How to use this card: This card asks of you to explore your resistance and relax in the knowledge that you are able to heal. You have the power. You can change the way you approach the situation you face. Follow the image and place one hand over your naval area and one hand over your heart. Close your eyes and breathe through you nose for 7 seconds, then hold this breath for 7. Exhale for a count of 7 through your mouth. Really let go. Then hold for another count of 7 and breathe in once again, counting 7 through the tips of your fingers. Sit quietly, breathing in this way, for a round of 7. Feel the gentle white trickle over you, like a gentle shower. Healing light bubbles, clearing negativity away from your body. Know that you can do this at any time during you day. Again and Again. This card is a reminder to do just that. I'd love to know how you feel when you read this card, please let me know in the comments below ♥ Till next time :) Love, Jules xxx This week it's time for Afternoon Tea with Mary Ann Mhina, and for the first time filmed from my studio. Yay!! We all have stories to tell, don't we? Do you know the stories of the older women in your life? Mary Ann has her own story to tell - a writer, academic, published author, anthropologist and Nia practitioner. During Afternoon Tea, we talked about her recent book 'Listening to our Grandmothers', The Transformational Wisdom of our Elders. Mary Ann's interest in life stories began when, as a graduate researcher at Goldsmiths University she began to investigate the stories that mentally ill people told about their own lives. A year of listening to their stories in villages and health facilities in Tanzania convinced Mary Ann that there was much wisdom to be found in all of our stories. She has a passion for telling stories and asking questions that help us to think and feel differently about our own lives. This is her first book and she's currently writing her first novel. Mary Ann tells me how she gets herself motivated to write ever day, how she begins her writing practice and she highlights one way to move through resistance (which we all have right?) Such a great tea break. Go grab yourself a cuppa and for 30 minutes, sit back and join us! There are lots of giggles.
Both me and Mary Ann would love to hear how you start your day and move through resistance. We can all learn from each other can't we?
Hope you have a really lovely week. Jules xxx What is Nia? It is a sensory-based movement practice that draws from martial arts, dance arts and healing arts. It empowers people of all shapes and sizes by connecting the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Classes are taken barefoot to soul-stirring music in more than 45 countries. Trainings teach people how to get in their body, learn about The Body's Way and cultivate body-centred awareness. |
June 2017